Google To Discontinue Google URL Shortener

The popular URL shortener platform, Google URL shortener) has reportedly been discontinued by the internet giant “Google”, according to them this is to make way for the adoption of dynamic links and FDL that has made link shortener obsolete, the official shut down is date to match 2019, but as of the moment only existing users can shorten links with Google URL shortener, existing shortened links will still redirect to its destined urls,there is no room for new users anymore .

The Software Engineer, Firebase “Michael Hermanto”,  narrated this and I quote ” We launched the Google URL Shortener back in 2009 as a way to help people more easily share links and measure traffic online. Since then, many popular URL shortening services have emerged and the ways people find content on the Internet have also changed dramatically, from primarily desktop web pages to apps, mobile devices, home assistants, and more.

To refocus our efforts, we’re turning down support for over the coming weeks and replacing it with Firebase Dynamic Links (FDL). FDLs are smart URLs that allow you to send existing and potential users to any location within an iOS, Android or web app. We’re excited to grow and improve the product going forward”.

The Developer also suggests that users can divert to alternatives( bitly and ) , however, he clearly stated that After March 30, 2019, all links will continue to redirect to the intended destination. existing short links will not be migrated to the Firebase console, however, you will be able to export your link information from the console. he made it clear that the url shortener service will be replaced with firebase dynamic links(FDL)

Google has been known for discontinuation of most of their services, it’s not a new development, from the discontinuation of Hangout To that of Google Plus and Now Google Url Shortener, Who knows if Gmail and Blogger are safe.

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